Best of times the worst of times

(WordPress blog). Wow it was an exceptional time in brazil,And I even helped a person with depression and delivered some herbal supplements to help people.

It was so great, airconditioning wake, shower, fruits for breakfast, beach, lunch, nap, wake, jogging or swimming, shower, dinner on the town, kids to bed, talking, shower, bed and repeat for 7 days. It was what my soul needed. My spray tan washed off after day 4 with the three showers a day.

Now in chicago, cold, gray and lots and lots of noise. cell, email, work- people, demands no fun and no real friends or people who seem nice and caring. Give up no… Run to brazil… Maybe. Pray and try to get more loving nice people in my life… Oh I hope so… Souls can have different colors and mine seems to be different than the others.

By the way 13lbs down and still loosing weight, I feel good about that

May peace, love and happiness come to any who read this.

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