What u do kills me

(See wordpress blog 4 story) As they r completing the final draft of the doc they will file permanently going to put in my file this was the sixth disaplinary meeting and I was told how they expect more from me… Finally I broke and said it makes me so sad to think of my kids growing up without a father, it just slipped out. I forgot this was fathers day weekend and they r fathers, my supervisior took me to the park, I got to hear a fifth time how they expected more from me… Then he wanted to know what I meant by that comment.. He kinda knew I had a condition and siting the condition… He asked kinda “what happens after the paperwork is filed?” Or how do I cope? I told him that to keep myself safe I had the option of a home stay or hospital stay…. I think he finally started to get it. Do u take medicine? Yes

Well when I help others I always tell them not to tell their employers, and I kinda spilled the beans.
Basically I feel that I am already done at that company anyways with a letter in my file.

I asked the supervisor, “would u hire a person for ur data center if they had this in their file?” I know the reality is no.

I will move on…
They have destroyed me, they have destroyed my career there.

And know they know this whole disciplinary process has deeply effected me and my family.

Is this work turning into ash because I will not get enough paper money?  leaving my kids without a father?  I think not.
Ah yes the supervisor made me promise, promise me u won’t hurt urself, it was like being back in high school

For those reading this, I called my therapist and I am keeping myself safe through entire career raping.

I was told that we brought you in from NYC to turn things around, but I never had a chance, I could not get access to the system
people would not listen, this is anger, dysfunction and jealousy leach the creative talent.


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